
Fitness Brings the Family Together

Does your family sit or are you fit?
Chuck, a guy in my fitness boot camp, is leading his family toward a life of health and happiness. He used to run and stopped for quite some time. Following the 2012 holiday season Chuck joined our boot camp. He has lost 11 pounds, ran 5 miles, and most importantly is embracing fitness with his family.

He has an 11 year old daughter. (She came to the 5:00 AM boot camp to "see what daddy does"...and she worked out- Awesome!) He and his daughter began their Saturday morning jogs shortly after he started exercising again. 

They jog 5 minutes, walk 2 minutes, and repeat until they reach Starbucks where this sit, talk, and then make the return trip home. Recently they added strength training into the mix. When they switch from jog to walk they do push ups, squats, or whatever else he or his daughter think up. Chuck has even laid out the vision for his daughter of how cool would it be if when she is on her own and he comes to visit they can go run together through her city.

We are wired for physical activity, especially kids. I am not saying you should all start running and strength training with your children. Find something age appropriate:

  1. Bike rides- The kids can ride while you jog or the whole family can ride together. Remember a helmet.
  2. Playgrounds- Play tag with the kids on the playground. They can traverse the obstacles while you chase them on the ground, or better yet chase them up there as well.
  3. Driveway basketball- My dad, brother, and I used to play basketball in the driveway. It was awesome! We used to BEG my dad to play. I think we would've played every night if we could and I don't ever remember him saying no. We played from 9 & 5 years old until 20 and 16 years old. Who am I kidding we STILL play every Christmas with the uncles and cousins. We even have a picture of my now wife playing basketball in the driveway with my dad, brother, and me. 
  4. Walk- It can even be as simple as a walk and talk through the neighborhood.


Chuck told me that it is great to instill healthy principles into his daughter, but even better are the conversations he has and the relationship he has built. I know this to be true because of my relationship with my family. 

Fitness can be a common goal or bond that unites a family. Find something to active enjoy and share it with your family.

What does your family do to stay fit?
Please share so we can post ideas for all to see


  1. Exercise really does bring families together. I have been so inspired to exercise thanks to my son Artie. When I started exercising he jumped right in and exercised with me and I didn't even ask him too. He has kept me motivated and he pushes me to do more. Thanks to his encouragement, I push myself to do more because I want to be proud of me! I never worked out or exercise with them when they were little but they always played sports and I supported them in their endeavors.

    1. I have has the pleasure of working out with you and Artie and my boot camp at the Y. It was awesome! Artie is EXTREMELY fit and you rocked it as well. You are also one of the most motivating and inspiring people I know. I have no doubt you always supported them you do such a great job supporting others.
