
Healthy Texas Week- Try It Tuesday

Try it Tuesday! You never know you may just like it!

I am not saying try Life cereal. I am saying try something NEW!

We often get stuck in a rut. I am no different. I eat the same foods. (Turkey "re-thought" sandwich every day!) I even get stuck creating the same exercise routines for my boot camp every now and then.

The other day at boot camp we tried something different. Something radical for this tenured group. We incorporated super high intensity interval training. The workout included jogging with sprint intervals, full-body combination exercises, and intensity bursts of 30 seconds with a 10 second rest. We did this for 1 hour. (Want something to try today- Jumping jumping jack- do the entire jumping jack while in the air. We did it. So can you!)

I have to say I was nervous that people would quit. Or hate it. Or worse, hate me. I was dead wrong. They LOVED it. My wife and I (the instructors) were thanked and applauded that day more than any other. Since then we have tried to increase the workout intensity and vary the activities and each day elicits the same response.

We all have some recipe, some fitness class, or some activity we want to try but are too....apprehensive. Well, today is the day. Try It Tuesday means you single out the one thing you want to try today. (Mine will be--- Radishes) You never know you may like it; just like Mikey.

This week I will post every day in honor of Healthy Texas Week. Each day will have a new health and fitness theme. Healthy Texas Week is an initiative by It's Time Texas for which I am a Health Ambassador. They are doing amazing things promoting health and fitness in Texas and especially Texas schools. So get up, get active, and encourage your friends and family to do the same. Have them swing by Move It Monday if they need some ideas. In closing- 

 Move more, Eat better, Live well, and Find Fit!

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