
What Are Your Reasons For Healthy: Sara's Story

Health can transform your life in more ways than you know. 

I teach at an elementary school and this is a story about a little girl. Let's call her Sara. She came into my life two years ago. Sara was inquisitive, bright, and talkative. VERY talkative. 

Sara's teachers could see that something was "different" with her. We soon learned that Sara was not living with her mother. She was bouncing around between family members, friends, and grandparents. A recent quote I heard was, "It was not a nice life!" Honestly, that is the path her life was heading toward. 

Not a nice life.

 Fast forward two years and Sara was adopted by her cousins. Now, her mother and father. They are amazing people. They made it clear to Sara that in their home she would eat healthy and live an active lifestyle. This meant limiting sugar and processed food. Both staples in Sara's previous diet. 

She began her resistance. It was futile. The fortitude of her parents would not allow them to cave. 

Sara began following the example of her mother, a marathoner. She took an interest in exercise. Sara began to dance and swim. There was a noticeable change in her attitude at school. She participated in the school's Turkey Trot and Get Fit Jog events. 

Sara placed 18th at Get Fit Jog. She beat 400 other fourth grade girls. AMAZING!!! 

Sara said, "I even passed a boy from my class!" 

The impact that strong quality parenting and a healthy lifestyle had on Sara is remarkable. She is following the example of her "strong, skinny mom" and living a life of health and fitness. She received the Sportsmanship Award at school this year for Physical Education, her first trophy ever! Sara life is changed forever. Her parents and her new found health have Sara running toward a very nice life.

7 Reasons For You to Be Healthy

1. Your Kids
2. Sick and tired of being sick and tired
3. Appearance
4. Missed opportunities
5. Health scares
6. More energy
7. Longer life

Whatever your reason for health may be, find your reason

We do not make a change in our life unless we truly desire it. So find your reason to live healthy. Write it down. Put it somewhere you can see it daily. Revisit it and update it if needed. **Hint- You can have more than one reason and it doesn't have to be from this list.** 

Sara and her family are living proof of the positive change that health and wellness can make on a life. Go find your reason and live fit today.

What is your reason to be healthy?

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