
An Inspiring Start to the New Year

Happy January 1 friends! A fresh start. Day one for most our goals and dreams. It is amazing how one stroke of midnight can change our attitudes and aspirations. If you are like me your resolutions start strong and most (or all) stall or stop.

Yesterday, I found great inspiration to "keep on keepin' on". My Great Grandma Birdie, 86 years young, was talking to me about her exercise regiment. She has rheumatoid arthritis, blind in her left eye, can't see out her right (as she jokes), and is recovery from a nasty fall. In spite of all of this she exercises 3 days a week. She simply stated, "It's good for me". Great Grandma is quite right. Exercise is good for us all.

Grandma takes it one day at a time. Rests when it's needed and "does a little extra" when she's feeling good. So simple and so smart. Keep your New Year resolutions simple and smart.

1. Start with one- It is much easier to focus on one goal at a time. Change is difficult; changing your entire life overnight is nearly impossible.

2. Speak it AND write it down- From brain to lips to fingertips. Increase your chances of success by telling your friends and writing it down for your own personal accountability system. If you REALLY want to be held accountable place on your fridge.

Ok...here it goes...following my own advice.

~My goal for 2013 is to post on the blog more often than I did that past two months by setting aside time to write, creating shorter posts if needed, and not stressing out about the social media side of blogging.~

Thank you for such a great 2012! All the encouragement (and admonishment) made me want to continue to write. I hope to continue to find ways to live fit and share them with you.

1 comment:

  1. I just ate them for dinner. Bush's straight from the can is unbeatable! (If you're Max or me, anyway. : )
